Benchmark54 is committed to sports medicine research and is the only electronic system to work collaboratively with the Football Research Group, who manages the UEFA Champions league injury audit. We also collaborate with the Football Association research group and provide data from our clubs direct to the study.
We welcome contact from other research driven organisations as we have years of experience in running injury surveillance programs. As the system is multisport we can easily run large scale injury audits in any of the following sports. Football (soccer), Ice Hockey, Rugby, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, Gaelic Football, Australian Rules Football, American Football, Hurling, Shinty, Field Hockey. We are also happy to provide consultancy on setting up such programs.

- We are efficient and effective and have several procedures in place for data validation and policing of data
- There is no additional work for clubs as audit takes place in the background, training on the system takes 30 – 50 minutes.
- We automate everything and can export data securely to researchers or place in secure cloud storage for retrieval.
- Frees up time for Researchers to allow deeper dive into data, more time for strategic planning and rapid expansion of research.
- As implementation time is reduced and data is of high quality time to publish is significantly reduced.
- Great potential for advancement of injury and illness based research studies with little additional cost.