Almost at the end of the season we have been busy producing end of year injury audit data for clubs.
We have released many new changes over April, these are listed below.
1. Improved training booking form.
With have improved this form with a new layout. Intensity has been reduced only 3 values Hard / Medium / Low with next page allowing Load (minutes x exertion) to be added to the whole team or individual players.
2. Exposure overview page now displays intensity with underlined cell.
This allows a visual clue to the intensity to compliment the duration shown in each cell.
3. Squad is automatically added to training session when >50% of available squad is present.
This is important for for statistical analysis and is in line with the UEFA Elite teams injury audit. A training session is only recorded as team training session if more than 50% of payers were presence. So if most of the team are away during International break, and the remaining player train this WILL NOT be reduced as a training session if the overall number is <50%. The players will however have their exposure, load and intensity recorded.
4. New charting
Duration: Now shows line and bubble graph indicating the severity/duration of injuries and when they occurred.
Match: Injuries sub-divided into the type of match.
5. Minor improvement for mobile devices to the login form and notes pages.
6. Pagination now available on the Prevention and Medical tabs to allow users to scroll through historical data.
7. National report download for a squad
This allows medical staff from National Teams to download all player reports for the during of their time with the national team in one click.
8. Home page charts
New exposure and injury/incidence charts on the homepage
9. New layout to the player Stats Page with new exposure and injury summary data.
10. Player stats page now included National Team exposures.
11. Improvements to our hospital referral Request Form
12. New Health Partners pre-notification form.
As always you can keep up to date with the latest news a developments on twitter @benchmark54